Running for Weight Loss: Expert Insights from a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified Running Specialist/Coach

When it comes to weight loss, finding a sustainable and effective fitness solution is key. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified Running Specialist/Coach, I'm here to shed light on why running is an excellent choice for weight loss and to provide you with valuable tips to make the most of your running journey.

The Scientific Foundation for Running as a Weight Loss Tool

  1. Calorie Expenditure: Running stands out as a high-impact cardiovascular exercise, which means it can help you burn a substantial number of calories. Weight loss primarily relies on creating a caloric deficit, where you burn more calories than you consume.

  2. Metabolic Benefits: Running not only burns calories during your workout but also boosts your resting metabolic rate. Regular running elevates your metabolic rate even when you're not exercising, making it an efficient way to lose weight.

  3. Muscle Engagement: Running is a full-body workout, engaging not only your lower body muscles but also your core and upper body. This holistic approach tones and strengthens your muscles while you shed excess weight, promoting a lean and well-defined physique.

  4. Cardiovascular Health: Running supports your heart and lung health. If you're carrying excess weight, this cardiovascular improvement can be a game-changer in reducing your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other health concerns associated with obesity.

  5. Stress Reduction: Managing stress is crucial for sustainable weight loss. Running is a potent stress-reliever, helping you avoid emotional eating and enhancing your overall well-being.

Professional Tips for Running for Weight Loss:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: Before you begin running for weight loss, consult with a certified running specialist or physical therapist to assess your biomechanics, identify any imbalances or weaknesses, and create a personalized plan to minimize the risk of injury.

  2. Proper Footwear: Ensure you have appropriate running shoes tailored to your foot type and gait. Ill-fitting or worn-out shoes can lead to discomfort and potential injury. I have a large background in shoe wear and would love to talk about this with you. Otherwise, check out one of my other blog posts on finding the right shoe!

  3. Individualized Plan: Tailor your running plan to your current fitness level and weight loss goals. Starting slow and gradually increasing intensity is crucial to prevent overuse injuries.

  4. Nutrition and Hydration: Consult with a registered dietitian to establish a calorie-controlled, balanced diet that complements your running efforts. Proper hydration is also essential for optimal performance and recovery.

  5. Cross-Training: Include strength training, flexibility, and cross-training activities in your fitness routine to improve overall fitness, prevent overuse injuries, and enhance weight loss. This is particularly important for those who are overweight as running can add stresses up to 2-4 times your body weight with each stride. This is good in moderation but will likely cause injury if you increase mileage too fast or don’t allow enough time for your body to adapt to the stresses between runs!

  6. Rest and Recovery: Respect rest days as they are pivotal for muscle recovery and injury prevention. A well-rounded approach to running includes adequate sleep and active recovery strategies.

  7. Data-Driven Approach: Utilize technology and data to monitor your progress. Apps and wearable devices can help track your runs and monitor your fitness goals. I use Strava to track all my runs for free and have dialed in my training based off of feel. I don’t even own a fitness watch, so don’t wait until you buy one. Get out and start training!

  8. Consistency and Mindset: Consistency is the linchpin to long-term success. Develop a positive mindset, be patient, and embrace running as a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix. Your body will make amazing adaptations if you work running into your daily routine. One of those being a fit and healthy body!

Running for weight loss is an effective and sustainable approach when guided by a qualified expert. It not only helps you shed pounds but also cultivates a healthier body and mind. Seek guidance from a certified running specialist or physical therapist to start your journey with confidence. Remember that running, combined with proper nutrition and a positive attitude, can lead to a healthier, happier you. Get ready to lace up and embark on your weight loss and fitness adventure!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email or book a free 15-minute call on our “get started” page and I’d love to chat with you about your goals and give you some tips to get you on the right path!

Stay Strong and Stay Healthy! 🔥✊

Dr. Jayson Dahlquist DPT, CAFS, Certified Running Specialist/Coach


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