Is Running Hard? Unpacking the Physical and Mental Aspects


Running is a popular and accessible form of exercise that can yield numerous health benefits. Yet, whether running is hard or not is a question that often crosses the minds of both beginners and seasoned runners. The answer, as you'll discover, is not a simple 'yes' or 'no.' Instead, it depends on several factors, including your fitness level, running goals, and mental attitude.

The Physical Challenges of Running:

  1. Fitness Level Matters: For beginners and individuals who are relatively unfit, running can indeed feel hard. It puts a demand on your cardiovascular system and muscles that may take some time to adapt to. However, with consistent training, you can progressively build your endurance and physical strength, making running easier over time.

  2. Distance and Speed: The difficulty of running is closely tied to how far and how fast you run. Long-distance running, such as marathons, and high-speed sprinting can be physically demanding. Starting with shorter distances or slower paces can make running feel more manageable. Once you get consistent with your training you will be amazed how far you can run or how fast you can run!

  3. Terrain and Weather: Running on flat, even surfaces is generally easier than tackling hilly terrain or uneven trails. Extreme weather conditions, such as heat or cold, can also add to the challenge. Adjusting your routes and timing can mitigate these difficulties.

The Mental Aspect of Running:

  1. Motivation: Staying motivated to run consistently can be a hurdle. Establishing a routine and setting achievable goals can help maintain your enthusiasm. Running with a group or listening to music can also make the experience more enjoyable.

  2. Mental Endurance: Running isn't just about physical strength; it's also a mental game. Pushing through moments of fatigue or self-doubt can be challenging. Learning to silence the inner critic and stay focused on your goals is an essential part of becoming a proficient runner.

  3. Pacing: Finding the right pace can be tricky. Going too hard too soon can lead to burnout or injury, while going too easy may not yield the desired results. Finding the right balance in your running pace is crucial. This is where consulting a performance physical therapist or running specialist/coach can help you with a training plan to meet the goals you are trying to achieve.


So, is running hard? The answer varies from person to person and depends on various factors. For beginners or those not used to physical activity, running may feel challenging at first. However, with dedication, gradual progress, and the right mindset, it becomes more accessible and even enjoyable over time. Running can be hard, but it can also be incredibly rewarding and beneficial for your physical and mental well-being. Don't be discouraged by the initial challenges; instead, use them as stepping stones on your running journey. Remember, it's not just about how hard running is; it's about how much you're willing to push your limits and grow in the process. Running will teach you a lot about yourself.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email or book a free 15-minute call on our “get started” page and I’d love to chat with you about your goals and give you some tips to get you on the right path!

Stay Strong and Stay Healthy! 🔥✊

Dr. Jayson Dahlquist DPT, CAFS, Certified Running Specialist/Coach


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