Should I Run Every Day? The Pros and Cons of Daily Running


Running is an excellent way to stay fit, relieve stress, and enjoy the great outdoors. Many people wonder if they should make running a daily habit to maximize its benefits. However, the question of whether you should run every day is a nuanced one, and the answer may vary from person to person. Let’s lay out the pros and cons of daily running and help you make an informed decision about your running routine.

The Pros of Running Every Day

  1. Improved Fitness and Stamina: Running daily can help you build and maintain better cardiovascular endurance and overall fitness. Consistent daily running can lead to increased stamina and performance gains, making it easier to achieve your fitness goals. This happens by mainly improving your aerobic fitness (more on this in a different blog post).

  2. Weight Management: Running is an effective way to burn calories and manage your weight. If weight loss or maintenance is a primary goal, daily running can be a powerful tool in your arsenal. Don’t listen to those stupid adds on never running for weight loss. It is one of THE. MOST. EFFECTIVE. options for weight loss/weight management.

  3. Stress Relief: Running is a fantastic stress reliever. It releases endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers, and provides a sense of accomplishment that can reduce anxiety and stress. Also releases natural opioids produced by your body and can improve pain.

  4. Routine and Discipline: Establishing a daily running habit can help instill discipline and structure in your life. It forces you to prioritize your health and wellness, creating a positive routine.

  5. Social Interaction: Running can be a social activity, and joining running clubs or group runs can provide opportunities for social interaction and camaraderie. This is my favorite thing ever. The active community and especially running communities are some of the most amazing disciplined people. Send me an email or set up a free 15-minute call and you can join my free running group! We will help you reach your goals or just meet new friends!

The Cons of Running Every Day

  1. Risk of Overuse (underprepared) Injuries: Running daily increases the risk of overuse injuries, such as shin splints, stress fractures, and tendonitis. Your body needs time to recover, and running every day might not allow for sufficient rest until your body has built up the tolerance to running every day. Your body will get there if you give it the time.

  2. Burnout: Running daily without adequate rest can lead to burnout. Over time, you may lose motivation, and running can become a chore rather than an enjoyable activity. Cross training usually keeps people more interested and if you stay interested, then your time set aside for training always feels like a release of stress. This is important!

  3. Plateau in Performance: Running every day may lead to a performance plateau. To see continuous improvement, your body needs variation in training, including rest days, cross-training, and different types of workouts. The best thing for runners at elite levels is to run and each training run is designed to meet a specific goal. Most beginners just run without focus on a goal and this will not end up improving performance after a while.

  4. Neglecting Other Fitness Aspects: Running daily might lead to neglecting other aspects of fitness, such as strength training, flexibility, and balance, which are essential for a well-rounded and injury-free body.

  5. Time Constraints: Not everyone has the luxury of time to run every day. Daily running might not be feasible for those with busy schedules or other commitments. Remember, running should be a stress reliver and an enjoyable release from normal day to day life.


The decision of whether you should run every day ultimately depends on your individual goals, physical condition, and lifestyle. If you are considering daily running, it's important to be mindful of the potential drawbacks, such as the risk of injuries and burnout. To strike a healthy balance, you can consider a hybrid approach, mixing daily moderate runs with rest days and other types of exercise.

Remember, running is a versatile activity, and the key is to listen to your body, set realistic goals, and stay consistent in the long run. Whether you choose to run every day or adopt a more flexible schedule, the most important thing is to enjoy your runs and stay active in a way that works best for you.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email or book a free 15-minute call on our “get started” page and I’d love to chat with you about your goals and give you some tips to get you on the right path!

Stay Strong and Stay Healthy! 🔥✊

Dr. Jayson Dahlquist DPT, CAFS, Certified Running Specialist/Coach


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